Stefano Faoro, Inka Meißner,
Max Schmidtlein, Monika Stricker,
Stefan Thater
organized by Robert Müller
24 Ottobre – 14 Dicembre 2019
Little Tobey, on the bottom of a barrel in the paper mill.
They wept all morning, and paper started to be soaked in the afternoon that day.
Some said, he might have been pushed, and some, "He fell!"
Was he a clumsy fellow?
A silver coin in his tiny hand, with just the face.
The body clean, as washed, pulp stained his hair.
No image left of Tobey, but a name.
(Alas,) poor Toby…
Stefano Faoro, It *1984 in Belluno, lives in Vienna; Inka Meißner, D *1980 in Erlangen, lives in Berlin; Max Schmidtlein, D *1984 in Bogen, lives in Berlin; Monika Stricker, D *1978 in Dusseldorf, lives in Brussels; Stefan Thater, D *1968 in Hamburg, lives in Berlin; Robert Muller D *1979 in Berlin, lives in Berlin